Fußball WM 2018 Rückblick: Das sind alle 32 Google-Doodles zur Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft


Am morgigen Sonntag geht die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018 in Russland zu Ende und damit auch eine der größten Doodle-Serien, die Google jemals hatte. Tatsächlich wurde jedes einzelne Land mindestens 3x auf den globalen Startseiten geehrt – je nachdem, wie weit die Mannschaften im Verlauf des Spieles gekommen sind. Hier gibt es jetzt noch einmal eine Zusammenfassung aller Doodles der letzten vier Wochen inklusive deren Bedeutung und des Künstlers.

In diesem Jahr haben es sich Googles Designer recht einfach gemacht, denn sie haben die Arbeit zur Erstellung eines Doodles einfach an externe Designer abgegeben. Allerdings nicht an irgendwelche Designer, sondern an 32 Designer aus 32 Ländern, die jeweils ein Kunstwerk abliefern sollten, das zeigt, was der Fußball für ihr Land bedeutet. Es gab lediglich drei Voraussetzungen: Die Größe der Grafik, das Thema Fußball sowie ein Fußball mitten im Geschehen, der bei jedem Bild an exakt gleicher Stelle zu finden ist und teilweise sehr kunstvoll eingearbeitet wurde.

fifa fussball wm 2018 logo

Ägypten – Shennawy
It is the soul of the people in Egypt!

fussball wm 2018 doodle ägypten

Iran- Rashin Kheiriyeh
Football is the biggest sport in Iran. Iranians love playing & watching football. The World Cup is a huge event that brings people together to support our national team.

fussball wm 2018 doodle iran

Marokko – Annassi Mehdi

fussball wm 2018 doodle marokko

Portugal- Tiago Galo
Football is everywhere you go. In each corner, each coffee shop, everyone is either talking about the last match or the next one.

fussball wm 2018 doodle portugal

Spanien- Andrés Lozano
Football in Spain is called the „king of sports“ so that gives you an idea of it’s importance. It’s a part of every spaniard’s life, even If you’re not into sports.

fussball wm 2018 doodle spanien

Uruguay- Macarena Campos

fussball wm 2018 doodle uruguay

Argentinien – Gaston Pacheco
Football is the most popular sport in our country and the one that people are most passionate about. There’re plenty of rituals around it, traditions, and even cábalas. It brings lots of expectations and excitement to the air and it’s also a way to bring people together .

fussball wm 2018 doodle Argentinien

Australien – Helen Li

fussball wm 2018 doodle Australien

Frankreich – Helene Leroux
For the majority in France, football is something we have in our heart since childhood (whether it’s through fuss-ball, collecting cards of players, playing together in the mud even if it’s raining, video games, TV etc). It’s an opportunity for people to gather to either play or cheer for their team. Football in France will always echo to the worldcup victory of 1998 and the color blue! Allez les bleus!!

fussball wm 2018 doodle frankreich

Kroatien – Vedran Klemens
It is Croatia’s favourite pastime!

fussball wm 2018 doodle Kroatien

Dänemark – Rune Fisker
The joy and extiment that we Danes feel for football (and our bikes!).

fussball wm 2018 doodle Dänemark

Island – Siggi Eggertsson

fussball wm 2018 doodle Island

Nigeria – Yinfaowei Harrison
Football to Nigerians means a lot more than a game – it’s love, and more importantly a way of life. Only football can bring people of different tribes and ethnic groups together under one roof.

fussball wm 2018 doodle Nigeria

Peru – Andrea Galecio
Joy with passion. Maximum emotion. A united nation.

fussball wm 2018 doodle Peru

Costa Rica – Elizabeth Argüello
In Costa Rica, soccer makes us believe in ourselves, that there are no goals that can not be achieved. Football is dreaming big. We are a small country that achieves very great things. There are no limits, everything is possible!
fussball wm 2018 team costa rica

Serbien – Bratislav Milenkovic
Football is very popular in Serbia, an excellent opportunity for friends to gather, either on account of a local derby or to show support to their favorite team in some global competition, at the stadium or in front of the TV screen. It doesn’t take much for any conversation to go in the direction of football, and it soon proves itself true that there are as many opinions and soccer strategies in Serbia as the number of people included in the conversation. And they’re all right 🙂
fussball wm 2018 team serbien

Deutschland – Sua Balac
It is part of our culture and has played an important role in German history. Germany breathes and lives football, especially during the World Cup.
fussball wm 2018 team deutschland

Mexiko – Valeria Alvarez
In Mexico, soccer is passion, tradition, and magic. When the game starts, only one thing matters: the ball – more powerful than any social barrier.
fussball wm 2018 team mexiko

Brasilien – Pedro Vergani
Football in Brazil is a state of mind, a moment when the country gathers to celebrate (or cry) together. It is an expression of an important part of our culture; it is art, rhythm, dance, hard work, teamwork, and a dash of cheekiness.
fussball wm 2018 team brasilien

Schweiz – Chragi Frei
If this doodle doesn’t boost the team into the final it will at least boost our sausage sales.
fussball wm 2018 team schweiz

Schweden – Linnea Sterte
fussball wm 2018 team schweden

Südkorea – Subin Yang
Soccer has been and remains as one of the favorite sports of Korean people. We tend to look at soccer matches and see beyond a sport. When the soccer team wins a game, people also feel the pride for the country surge. Soccer, like many other sports, really brings Korean people together in unison, and the performance of the national team at the 2002 World Cup still remains as a legend for many people in Korea.
fussball wm 2018 team suedkorea

Belgien – Sam Vanallemeersch
fussball wm 2018 team belgien

Panama – Juan Tang Hon
fussball wm 2018 team panama

Tunesien – Noha Habaieb
Football is the main sport in Tunisia. It is a passion that people share with each other.
fussball wm 2018 team tunesien

England – Celyn Brazier
It is a quintessentially English national event that is tinged with excitement and frustration and tragedy in equal measure. At its best it represents people of many backgrounds and ethnicities coming together in dark, sweaty pubs while it is hot and sunny outside.
fussball wm 2018 team england

Japan – Shinji Tsuchimochi
For Japan, football is a familiar sport that is used as a subject of comics and animation. Children playing football have their own dream of becoming a hero one day by touching such things.
fussball wm 2018 team japan

Polen – Świętosław „Slawek“ Fedorczuk
Football in Poland is more like a celebration than just a sport. It connects fans of all generations from kids to elders, even if they are not interested in the game on a daily basis.
fussball wm 2018 team polen

Senegal – Pamplemus
In my country, Football is something special. We support our national team with passion. Moreover, people are used to playing with their loved ones in the evening at the beach and debate about games.
fussball wm 2018 team senegal

Russland – Arina Shabanova
Football was always the main game of the country, every kid in the yard plays it. This is not just a game, but also a spectacle that gathers people together, like gatherings with songs by the fire, but only much larger.
fussball wm 2018 team russland

Ägypten – Shennawy
It is the soul of the people in Egypt!
fussball wm 2018 doodle ägypten

Alle Google-Angebote rund um die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018
» Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018: So informiert Google per Websuche, Assistant & News
» Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018: Google Trends-Portal zeigt die populärsten Fragen, Spieler & Teams
» Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018: Von Google ausgewählt – das sind die besten Apps zu Fußball-WM
» Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018: Neues schwebendes Google-Widget informiert Live über Spielstände
» Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018: Google prognostiziert die Ergebnisse aller Vorrunden-Spiele
» Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018: YouTube nennt Statistiken und wichtige Kanäle für Fußball-Fans

Alle Google-Doodles zur Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018
» Fußball WM 2018: Google-Doodle zum Start der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft
» Fußball WM 2018 Tag 2: Google-Doodles für Ägypten, Iran, Marokko, Uruguay, Spanien & Portugal
» Fußball WM 2018 Tag 3: Google-Doodles für Argentinien, Australien, Frankreich, Kroatien, Dänemark, Island, Nigeria & Peru
» Fußball WM 2018 Tag 4: Google-Doodles für Costa Rica, Serbien, Deutschland, Mexiko, Brasilien & Schweiz
» Fußball WM 2018 Tag 5: Google-Doodles für Schweden, Südkorea, Belgien, Panama, Tunesien & England
» Fußball WM 2018 Tag 6: Google-Doodles für Kolumbien, Japan, Polen, Senegal, Russland & Ägypten

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