
SketchUp 6: Viele neue 3D- und Kamera-Funktionen

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Nach der Übernahme von SketchUp hat Google relativ schnell die Software unter dem Namen „Google SketchUp“ ohne irgendwelche Änderungen veröffentlicht. Jetzt folgt das erste Update und somit die erste wirkliche Google-Version der Software die mit sehr vielen neue Features und einer teilweise neuen Oberfläche aufwarten kann.

Neben der standardmäßigen 3D-Ansicht kann der User jetzt auch eine 4geteilte Ansicht auswählen die jeweils die X-, Y-, Z-Achse und die 3D-Ansicht zeigt. Die Verbindung zwischen den einzelnen Elementen und die dazugehörigen Hilfslinien gehen dabei glücklicherweise nicht verloren, so dass ich fast sagen würde dass die neue Ansicht die bessere ist – zumindest für mich.

Folgende Funktionen und Update sind dazu gekommen:

Photo Match
Photo match provides a way to set up a camera view so that the modeling environment matches up with a photograph. Its can be used to match an existing model with a background photo or one can start from scratch with a photo and then trace over a it in 3D!

A style is simply a saved collection of SketchUp display settings. No more fussing with many settings every time you want to change or customize your model’s appearance. No longer is it necessary to use scenes (formerly known as pages) to save your display settings. With a single click, you can quickly apply a style to any model by selecting it from the new Styles browser.

You can personalize your own styles and save them as part of a library, and you can easily share your style files with others.

Watermarks are images placed in the background or foreground of the drawing area and span the entire area just as sky and ground. Watermarks are great for creating backgrounds, such as simulating paper textures beneath a model. Watermarks can also be used to place logos and other graphics directly on the screen. Watermarks are part of Sketchup’s new styles system for easy management.

Sketchy Edges
Sketchy Edges is a new way to render edges to look as if they were drawn by hand. Sketchy Edges are part of SketchUp’s new styles system.

Add atmospheric haze to a model with the new fog display.
3D Text Tool

Now its easy to create signs and letters directly in SketchUp using the new 3D text Tool. Choose from simple outlines, filled surfaces and fully extruded 3d text using most fonts on your computer.

[PRO] LayOut
SketchUp 6 features a set of LayOut tools for 3D designers who need a page layout program to communicate complex concepts. The new feature will provide simple tools to place, arrange, title and annotate SketchUp models, photographs and other drawing elements to assemble presentation and documentation graphics for both print and screen.

Text and Dimension Improvements
We’ve made the text and dimension tools more versatile by supporting font sizes that remain fixed relative to a model. We’ve also improved the quality on screen, in images and in printing.

SketchUp is now faster, up to 5x faster depending on models and hardware.

Force Inference Directions
Now its easy to tell SketchUp exactly which direction you want using the arrow keys. Left = red, Up & down = Blue and, Right = Green. We’ve also added toggle functionality so you don’t have to hold the keys down.

Component, Materials, and Styles Browsers
The components and materials browsers have been streamlined to improve ease-of-use.

Intersect Tool
We’ve made the intersect feature more robust. We’ve also added two new ways to intersect: Intersect Selected and intersect context.

Paste in Place
Paste in place is an improvement to copy, cut, and paste functions. The precise location is remembered for quick placement of pasted selections. These enhancements are great for moving geometry in and out of components or groups without having to reposition your selection.

Two-Point Perspective
Two point perspective views are now possible in SketchUp. Easily recreate this classic style used by draftsmen and illustrators to create 3D renderings of buildings.

Better Modifier Keys
Use modifier keys to invoke operations like copy at any time during an operation.

Native Support for 3D Warehouse and Google Earth
Interaction with the 3D Warehouse and Google Earth is built into Google SketchUp Pro 6 and no longer requires a plugin.

Sorry, dass ich es nicht übersetzt habe – ich denke im englischen ist es in diesem Fall besser 😉

Vorallem die Textfunktion gefällt mir hier sehr gut, denn damit eignet sich SketchUp jetzt auch dafür einfach nur 3D-Texte zu erstellen und diese frei drehen zu lassen. Außerdem wird das designen von Objekten und Elementen durch die neuen Kamerapositionen noch einmal sehr viel einfacher – bisher bin ich öfters verzweifelt und habe das designen sein gelassen, vielleicht fange ich jetzt wieder an 😀

SketchUp hat für mich das Zeug zu einem „echten“ 3D-Modellierungsprogramm, dafür braucht es nur noch einige Versionssprünge und die Konkurrenz kann einpacken. Zumindest in Punkto Bedienbarkeit habe ich bisher noch kein einfacheres Programm gesehen.

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