
Illegale Downloads: Google geht gegen vor

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Eine der zur Zeit populärsten Methoden um an kostenlose MP3s zu kommen ist das rippen von Musikvideos auf YouTube. Doch Google geht jetzt gegen solche Plattformen vor und hat in einem ersten Schuss die Betreiber von ermahnt den Service innerhalb einer Woche offline zu nehmen bzw. grundlegend zu verändern.

Webseiten wie gibt es schon seit langer Zeit massenhaft im Netz. Diese nützen schlicht und einfach die YouTube-API um die Audiospur eines beliebigen Videos zu grabben und in eine MP3-Datei umzuwandeln. Eines der populärsten Portale ist war youtube-mp3 und diese haben nun Post von Googles Anwälten bekommen.

Google fordert die Betreiber der Website auf den Service innerhalb von 1 Woche einzustellen bzw. so grundlegend zu ändern dass keine Verletzung der YouTube API-Nutzungsbestimmungen mehr statt findet – was bei solch einem Angebot natürlich nicht möglich ist. Außerdem hat Google mit sofortiger Wirkung den API-Zugriff für die Website gesperrt, so dass der Service jetzt schon nicht mehr funktioniert.

Die Nutzungsbestimmungen der API besagen eindeutig, dass der Download von Video-Daten verboten ist. Auch das trennen von Audio- und Videospur und das anbieten derer ist untersagt. Laut Angaben von Googles DoubleClick hat die Website täglich ca. 1,3 Millionen Zugriffe verzeichnet – und nicht wenige dürften Downloads gestartet haben.

Klarstellung von youtube mp3
Die Betreiber von YouTube MP3 sehen sich selbst in der Unschuld und halten fest gegen welche Bedingungen sie _nicht_ verstoßen haben. Außerdem schießen sie gleich scharf gegen Googles eigene Angebote wie News und Books und deren aktuelle Urheberrechts-Streitigkeiten. Ein zweischneidiges Schwert, dennoch muss man festhalten dass Google 100%ig im Recht ist…

Hier noch die Stellungnahme von youtube-mp3:

We need your help!

– We never used the YouTube API to pull any videos from them.
– We truely believe that our service is legal. German Courts have ruled that an online recording tool is not different from any tv recorder or something compareable.
– The German Department of Justice publicly adviced to download content off YouTube.
– Press contact:

To our users,

A few days ago we have received a cease and desist letter from Harris Cohen who is one of YouTube lawyers. Google is accusing us to threaten your safety and wanted us to close this service. If we wouldn’t comply they threatened to sue us. Unfortunately Google has just blocked all of our servers from accessing YouTube so we had to disable all conversion functionality.

We refused to close this service and asked if would be possible to speak to an YouTube representative for finding a solution that would be in the interest of all our users. Since there are tens of millions of real people using this service we thought Google would be willing to have a quick chat. But the opposite was the case: There was no interest whatsoever for a simple call; they don’t care about all these people that want to use such a service. We would estimate that there are roughly 200 million people across the world that make use of services like ours and Google doesn’t just ignore all those people they are about to criminalize them. With the way they are interpreting and created their TOS everyone of those 200 million users is threatened to be sued by Google.

We never put any of our users at risk and have taken measures to protect them from all sorts of threats. Those measures did cost us a lot of money but we didn’t care about that because we have never been profit-oriented but user-oriented. To name a few:

More than 65% of all page-impressions never had a single advertisement on it. We could have easily filled those page-impressions with ads: bad ads. We haven’t done it because we don’t believe that running gambling, pornographic or fraudulent ads is acceptable. Those ads would have been payed pretty well but we choose our users over that money.
We never ran pop-ups. Another decision that lowered the profit drastically.
Our own infrastructure never stored any logs on disk to protect you from exactly what is happening right now.
We are asking us what has happened to Google. It wasn’t long ago they lived by their „don’t be evil“ philosophy and did what the users wanted. Nowadays they are ignoring millions of users but refer to their questionable good intentions if they are ignoring the „TOS“ of others to increase their profitability. To give a few examples:

Google News
A great service but there was a huge outcry in Germany. Most large publishers didn’t want Google to scrape content off their sites and profit from that. What has Google done? They have referred to their intentions to provide a good service for its users and ignored the publishers. This whole topic got so popular that even the German Government is about to intervene and plans to stop Google by passing a new law.

Google Books
Another great service but there are also publishers and authors that don’t want their books to be scanned. Does Google care about this? Of course they don’t.

Our service on the other hand is requested and used by millions of people. Compared to Google News our Government has publicly recommended its citizens to make use of so called YouTube recorders/converters. The rise of such software couldn’t even have been unexpected for Google since it has happened with other technologies in the past as well. The fact that Google is creating such recording software also is particularly exciting:

After the radio has been invented people could make use of casette recorders to make a copy of the program.
After the tv has been invented you could use a video recorder. Nowadays you can use a more modern product like Google TV..
How you can help us:
– Write a complaint e-mail to Harris Cohen or the public address of YouTube.
– Write about this on your Blog or post this on your Facebook page.
– If you are Larry Page or Sergey Brin: Contact me.

Disclaimer: This text might contain spelling- and grammar-errors. It has been written early in the morning by a person whose native language isn’t English and hadn’t enough sleep for the past months because running this service was a 24/7 job.

All the best,

» „Hilferuf“ von youtube-mp3


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